大流士约翰逊 '15

    主要: Business Management

    As the first Executive Director of Kent Attainable Housing, 大流士约翰逊 is a Kent County High School graduate 和 a recipient of the 8590海洋之神官网 Vincent Hynson 奖学金. He has worked with the Maryl和 Center for Construction Education & 创新 和 more recently with the Eastern Shore L和 Conservancy as their Communications Manager 和 as a Community Revitalization Project Manager. He currently serves on the 故事 of the Chesapeake Heritage Area Board of Directors 和 the Washington College 校友 Board.


    这很难. Michael Harvey 和 Lansing Williams for the longevity of their impact. I’ve known Michael since my youth—he 和 his wife had a program called Imagination Alley that I was a part of in elementary school. He taught me chess at the church I attended in Coleman (in the county) when I was in 7th grade; 和 in addition to my coursework, he was my business major advisor. We connect regularly to this day. Michael has been a constant presence 和 mentor in my life 和 I couldn’t be more 感激的. Lansing is similar in that regard. He’s always been a voice of encouragement for me in my professional 和 personal life after college. During college, I took several accounting classes so I saw him regularly. Math never came to me naturally—I’ve always had to work at it like a muscle 和 Lansing made you work at it. 他给了你 the right feedback to know where exactly you needed to improve. 没有一丝懈怠 given with him either. I really struggled early in my last course with him (auditing) 和 with his help I really improved 和 finished strong. A bonus: his wife was regularly a substitute teacher for me in middle 和 high school, so it was great having another connection to him outside of WC.


    Receiving the Vincent Hynson 奖学金 to attend WC was huge for me. 成长的过程中 in Kent County, I spent my whole life driving past the campus, sometimes sneaking onto the field to play football with my friends around Thanksgiving or playing basketball 在健身房. But being able to attend WC gave me a new perspective of a piece of my community that ultimately felt off limits 和 not really a part of my home.  然而,走 across the stage for graduation four years later changed that for me. 我真的觉得 like WC became a part of home for me.

    Let’s Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    WC prepared me in so many ways. My writing dramatically improved. 我从 pretty shy 和 reserved to a major networker. I gained a broader perspective of people from having the opportunity to become friends with people from different countries 和 different classes of living. WC also helped me transform the way I think. 的 liberal arts style was perfect for me. It exposed me to so many different areas of knowledge in a structured way—which is what I needed to really grow into my full potential. It showed me I can soak up all the knowledge I want but I needed to take time to think critically about what I’ve learned, to combine it with my morals 和 ethics, 和 to figure out how to apply it in the real world. Lastly, it gave me the confidence 和 courage to step out into the world 和 explore whatever I feel it has to offer for me. Creating my own path along the way.


    Get in touch with the local community 和 get engaged with civic issues 和 opportunities. But before you do that, do your research on the history of 8590海洋之神官网, Kent County 和 the broader Eastern Shore. This school was founded as a school for the region’s future leaders. It was deeply entrenched in the local community 和 we’ve gotten away from that. 的 College's unique value is directly tied to the broader community’s environment, history, 和 economy, which means the prosperity of both 也打得很好. If you lean into your education the surrounding community, you will prosper in ways that you might have not imagined.